14 Jun 2023

A discussion with top academics, ambassadors and delegates of the WTO

An opportunity to discuss the principles for consideration in the design and implementation of trade-related climate measures and policies.

At an event organized by Colombia in cooperation with Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs (TESS) in the context of the WTO Trade and Environment Week in Geneva, Dr. Carolyn Deere Birkbeck (United States), Director, TESS & Senior Researcher, Geneva Graduate Institute (moderator), Prof. Makane Moise Mbengue (Senegal), Faculty of Law, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Jan Yves Remy (St. Lucia), Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, The University of the West Indies, Barbados, and Prof. Peter Van den Bossche (Belgium), WTI Director of Studies, discussed with ambassadors and delegates of WTO Members the forthcoming report on Principles for Consideration in the Design and Implementation of Trade-Related Climate Measures and Policies by the International Expert Group on Trade-Related Climate Measures.

For more information please see https://tessforum.org/latest/principles-for-consideration-in-the-design-and-implementation-of-trade-related-climate-measures-and-policies.

The final report is expected to be published at the end of June 2023.