1 Aug 2012

New WTI Board members start their term in office

As of 1 August, the WTI Board, the advisory body to the World Trade Institute, welcomes several new members.

Newly appointed chairperson of the Board of the World Trade Institute (WTI Board) is Luzius Wasescha, who has acted until recently as the chief of Swiss mission to the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). From the same institution, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Didier Chambovey, head of the World Trade Division joins the WTI Board too. Academic expertise will certainly be supplied by two professors of the University of Bern. Cyrill Rigamonti’s field is economic law while Aymo Brunetti teaches and researches in economic policy and regional economics. All of the new board members started their term in office on 1 August.