25 Mar 2014

Joint Academy in New Delhi launches call for applications

The World Trade Institute and the Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, are pleased to announce the launch of the 1st WTI –CWS Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy ("Joint Academy") from May 26 – June 20, 2014 in New Delhi.

The Joint Academy aims to provide law students and legal professionals in India a rare opportunity to deepen their knowledge on aspects of international trade law and policy. Taught by distinguished academics and practitioners from India and abroad, the Joint Academy will equip participants with theoretical and practical insights into various issues relating to global trade.

The Joint Academy is open to all law students enrolled in any legal course in India, either at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. Preference will be given to students who have prior exposure to issues relating to international trade law.

The course is divided into four modules. Legal professionals can attend selected modules on an ‘a là carte’ basis.

The deadline for applications has now been extended until 1 April.

More details

Application form