10 Jul 2017

15th Summer Academy gets underway

The fifteenth edition of the World Trade Institute Summer Academy on international law and economics is underway, bringing together government representatives, scholars and practitioners from around the world.

The popular educational offer this year spans seven weeks and comprises six modules, for which participants could sign up according to their needs and interests.

The programme began on 10 July, with a two-week module on Frontiers of investment rule-making, in partnership with the University of Ottawa and the World Bank.  The course is taught by Roberto Echandi of the World Bank, Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer of the University of Basel, Patrick Dumberry of the University of Ottawa, and Rodrigo Polanco of the WTI.

The subsequent modules cover: Making markets contestable – exploring the trade and competition interface; Globalisation on trial – anti-globalisation, trade, income inequality and human rights; Sustainable development in trade and investment agreements; Frontiers in intellectual property governance; and Governance challenges in the digital economy.

Summer Academy modules may count towards a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) or a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in International Law and Economics.