12 Jun 2019

Thomas Cottier delivers keynote speech at annual WTO Conference

The 31 May 2019 conference featured four panels and a final discussion. It was held at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in London.

Thomas Cottier, senior research fellow and former managing director of the WTI delivered the key note to the annual WTO Conference held at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law on May 31st, 2019 in London. Thomas addressed the impact of global value chains and the growing importance of behind-the-border issues which inherently need to be addressed in plurilateral or multilateral fora. He expounded the limitations of unilateralism and bilateralism. He stressed the future role of the WTO in addressing impending challenges in climate change mitigation, adaption and on big data and cyberspace. It is up to young scholars and students to prepare the conceptual ground for these topics in international trade regulation.

His PowerPoint presentation is available via the link below.