Irina Weissert

Irina Weissert joined the University of Bern’s World Trade Institute (WTI) as a PhD candidate in 2016. Before joining the Institute, Irina worked as a consultant at the Global Fund in Geneva and interned in various UN agencies, including the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations in New York. Irina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Westminster, London, a Master of Law and Business (MLB) from Bucerius Law School/Otto Beisheim School of Management in Hamburg, Germany and a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) from BPP Law School, London. Her native language is Russian and she is conversational to fluent in English, French, German and Spanish. As a PhD candidate at WTI, Irina is currently doing research in the area of intellectual property provisions in BRICs, South-South and South-North regional trade agreements.