Selina Hauser

PhD candidate
Selina Hauser is a PhD candidate in Economics at the World Trade Institute (WTI) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Joseph Francois. Her research aims to achieve a more comprehensive view on the impact of complex trade networks (global value chains, bilateral regulatory heterogeneity) on international trade flows and labor market transformations.
Selina Hauser joined the WTI in May 2018 as a research assistant for the DESTA project. She was part of a team coding data on the relation of global value chains and preferential trade agreements in collaboration with the OECD. She has been involved in the compilation of a new data set on the Design of Preferential Trade Agreements with focus on investment. To conclude the project she has worked for the OECD as temporary Junior Research Analyst supporting both, the trade and investment division with her knowledge of the database.
Selina, a Swiss citizen, holds a master’s degree in Applied Economic Analysis with special qualification in Trade and International Development from the University of Bern. She speaks German and English, has an intermediate command of French and Spanish and holds a language degree in Mandarin (HSK3).