Alisher Islomidinzoda Ali MILE 21

MILE 21, Alisher Islomidinzoda Ali


Mr. Alisher Islomidinzoda Ali has been working for the Ministry of Economic De­velopment and Trade of the Republic of Ta­jikistan since 2010. Being a chief specialist of the WTO Affairs department he was in­volved in issues related to the bilateral and multilateral negotiations on trade issues at the WTO and its member states during the accession of Tajikistan to the WTO.

As a government official, he was nomi­nated to attend several courses organised by the World Trade Organization.  Alisher has also had an opportunity to be an intern in the WTO mission internship programme in 2013 in Geneva.

He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of the Republic of Tajikistan, faculty of Engineer business and manage­ment, of higher education qualification. His final paper was about “Management analy­sis, strengths and weaknesses of business enterprises”. 

Alisher started his work experience in the private business sector in his country. Due to his experience as Chief Specialist of Marketing Issues, and also as a hard­working person, he had the opportunity to become the Director of Trade Center.

Before starting his academic journey, Alisher had been appointed to the posi­tion of the Counselor of the Permanent Mission, of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN office and other international or­ganisations in Geneva.

Being a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in Ta­jikistan's Permanent Mission, he collabo­rated with the WTO, UNCTAD, UNECE, WIPO, ITC and dealt with bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations, the im­plementation of Tajikistan’s obligations in the WTO, as well as economic analysis of the impacts from the accession of Ta­jikistan to the WTO.

Aside from trade policy issues, Alisher is fond of sports, fishing, a healthy lifestyle, cooking, playing musical instruments and traveling.