Laura Verbeken

World Trade Institute
Laura is a passionate young woman, born and raised Belgium. After completing her LL.B. at KU Leuven, she was selected to be part of the Double Degree Master of Laws between KU Leuven and the University of Zurich from which she graduated in September 2022. Throughout her studies, Laura did several internships in both corporate law firms and within the Commission for Economic Policy (ECON) of the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
Her decision to go to law school was fuelled by a curiosity to comprehend the foundations of our contemporary world with the view to contribute to the solutions of tomorrow’s problems. Consequently, Laura developed her passion for world politics and the impact of the rule of law. She wrote her master thesis about the possibility for the WTO to alleviate economic coercion and decided to specialize in international economic law in order to pursue her future career in the field. For her, the TRAIL+ programme combines her interdisciplinary field of interests while answering her need and curiosity to capture multilateralism. Additionally, she is committed to create a global network.
To enjoy life to the fullest, Laura likes to be active, travel as much as possible and spend time with her friends and loved ones.
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