Dr. Andrea Marco Steingruber, LL.M.

Dr., LL.M., M.Litt., lic. oec. HSG
Attorney-at-law, Solicitor (England & Wales n.p.)
Andrea Marco Steingruber practice law with SwissLegal (Bern). SwissLegal Group is a network of independent Swiss law firms, which is present in more than 10 locations all over Switzerland.
Andrea studied law at the University of Bern, Switzerland. In Bern he was admitted to the bar (Attorney-at-law). Moreover, he is also admitted as Solicitor (non-practising) in England and Wales.
Andrea also holds an LL.M. in Commercial Law with distinction from the University of Edinburgh, an M.Litt. in International Law from the University of Cambridge and a Ph.D. in International Arbitration from the University of London, Queen Mary, School of International Arbitration. Besides, he graduated with an MA HSG in Business Administration/Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.
The University of Edinburgh awarded him 2004 the W.A. Wilson Prize in International Law. Andrea further developed his skills in international law at The Hague Academy of International Law and was a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge.
Andrea lectured, held courses and gave presentations at the University of Bern (World Trade Institute), Switzerland, University of London, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, and University of Siena, Italy.
He wrote his Ph.D. thesis on consent in international arbitration, which was later published as a monograph in the Oxford International Arbitration Series with the title “Consent in International Arbitration” (OUP 2012).
Andrea regularly publishes in the field of international arbitration, investment law and investment arbitration. More recently, he conducted research on international sanctions and he wrote the first comprehensive article-by-article Commentary on the Swiss Federal Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions (Swiss Embargo Act) with the title “Embargogesetz, Kurzkommentar” (DIKE 2023).
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