20 Jun 2017    Working Papers
Lopez, Dorotea , Munoz, Felipe

Trade Finance as a Barrier for Chilean Services Internationalization

SECO Working Paper 12/2017 by Dorotea López Giral and Felipe Muñoz Navia, Institute of International Studies, University of Chile. 

ABSTRACT: This paper intends to analyse trade finance access for Chilean services companies, and whether it is perceived as an obstacle in their internationalization process. Through a survey we try to assess companies’ perceptions, controlling for their subsectors, size, export level, amongst other variables. The role of financial institutions and government agencies will be included in the study. The first section reviews the relevant literature on trade finance. In the second section, we present an overview of trade finance for services exports instruments available in the main world economies. The third section will present the methodological approach, results of the survey and its analysis. Finally, some conclusions and policy recommendations will be drawn.

Trade Finance as a Barrier for Chilean Services Internationalization