24 Jan 2013
Reports/ Presentations
Yorke, Valerie
Seizing the moment - a step change in Jordan's water management in the context of political transition
Presentation given by Valerie Yorke
The workshop provides an opportunity for academic researchers and stakeholders from international organizations and the Swiss government to gather insights and exchange information on key issues in the field of "Water, trade and sustainable development". On this occasion WTI/NCCR trade regulation reseachers and students form the University of Bern come together with representatives from OECD, CDE, ICTSD and SECO. Also three higly topical case-studies will be presented and discussed: "Seizing the moment - a step change in Jordan's water management in the context of political transition" (by Valerie Yorke); "Water security in China: the importance of trade, investment and services" (by Joachim Monkelbaan) and "The relationship of water and international investment in mining in Peru: the Conga Case" (by Victor Saco).