8 Mar 2011

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Gender, Justice, Globalisation

This Certificate of Advanced Studies is offered by the Faculties of Humanities and of Human Sciences and by the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies of the University of Bern. It is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC (DEZA).

The programme imparts evidence-based accounts of globalisation as a gendered phenomenon. International norms and cultural differences are discussed in the light of universalism and relativism and with respect to women’s rights and gender equality. The CAS includes non-Western contributions, aims to bridge macro- and micro-scale approaches, addresses women’s as well as men’s positions, and highlights intersections of gender, race, ethnicity and class.
Participants will thus acquire conceptual and analytical skills to conduct a gender analysis in such different areas as international cooperation and development, governance, conflict and violence, human rights and cultural politics. In terms of practical skills, candidates will learn how to interpret statistical data and qualitative evidence in order to collect robust information on gender relations in a given context. They will be able to identify, assess and evaluate the gender dimensions of policies and programmes to enhance the gender sensitivity of their projects. Exercises will be offered to train participants in advocating and implementing gender policies within their own professional fields.

The CAS is organized as a 15 ECTS programme, comprising seven 2.5-day modules:

Module A Theorising Gender, Justice and Globalisation

Module B Gender, Human Rights and Governance

Module C The Gendered Impacts of Economic Globalisation

Module D Gender Dynamics on Urban Development: Needs, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities

Module E Gender, Poverty and Rural Livelihoods

Module F Conflict, Violence and Displacement: Gender Questions of Humanitarian Aid and Peace Building

Module G Negotiating Gender and Cultural Differences in Contemporary Societies

Participants hand in three papers (30’000 – 40’000 characters), reflecting three module contents of their choice. Additional assessments are integrated in the single modules. For certification a minimum of 13 ECTS needs to be approved.
The “Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gender, Justice, Globalisation” of the University of Bern will be awarded by the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Bern. For attending single modules participants will be issued a confirmation document.


Application deadline
Until March 31, 2011

Location and venue
The CAS takes place at the University of Bern, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern.