21 Feb 2020

Peter Van den Bossche starts his Spring Semester teaching

On Monday and Tuesday, 17 and 18 February, WTI Director of Studies Peter Van den Bossche started his 14-week-long courses on 'International Economic Dispute Resolution' and 'International Economic Law and the Pursuit of Core Societal Values and Interests' respectively.

The courses aim at introducing students to the key features and principal challenges of international economic dispute resolution as well as to the different rules in international economic law. 

These courses are part of the advanced master programmes at the WTI – the MILE and TRAIL+ programmes –  but are also open to master students at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bern.

The course on 'International Economic Dispute Resolution' is live streamed to the students of the International Litigation and Arbitration programme at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.