1 Nov 2017    Books/ Book Chapters
Fornalé, Elisa

Labour mobility – international fora

"Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law" 2017, 496–498. K. Nadakavukaren Schefer and T. Cottier (eds.),

International fora in relation to migration are increasing. This reflects the need to strengthen synergies among States by developing inter-State processes, such as conferences or dialogues, to overcome unilaterally oriented mechanisms. International fora are currently understood as State-owned consultative processes aiming at facilitating information-sharing and cooperation among States in dealing with the multi-dimensional implications of human mobility. These mechanisms for international cooperation are informal and non-binding and their objective is to build trust among States with a view of facilitating more formal processes. These international processes are gradually opening the door for interactions with non-State actors, namely international institutions, civil society and academia, by promoting their active participation.

International fora are organized according to specific thematic areas, for example, the nexus on migration and development and environmental migration, and/or geographically, at the global and regional level. At both levels, these interactive consultative processes have an advantage compared with the institutional environment given that they are able to promote the adoption of a common language and to develop a ‘sense of common purpose’ to address issues of concern for all participating States.

Labour mobility – international fora