19 Dec 2023
Reports/ Presentations
Häberli, Christian
Kostetsky, Bogdan
MATS Report: "Year Three of Russia’s Aggression. Production and Trade Risks for Global Food Security."

Today we publish the December report on the outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”. This report concludes the research project.
The latest report on "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa” covers:
Production and trade risks for global food security
Investment risks for Ukraine
Diversification and processing as partial solutions to the export problems
Importance of Ukraine’s victory for global food security
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme “Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable” (MATS) programme (https://sustainable-agri-trade.eu/).
The role of MATS/WTI in this programme is to identify and explore “broken” Ukrainian - African food trade routes due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Starting with a food trade flow chart pre- and post-24 February 2022, it will assess, first, whether Ukrainian (or African) traders can again supply these products (Output 1). Failing that, whether the new EU-financed “Crisis Management” (or another) programme can possibly make up for lost Ukrainian agrifood exports (Output 2). It will also identify alternative exporters (if any) that might already have filled in agrifood demand in Africa (Output 3). Importantly, the Project also looks at the potential effect of these developments on competing farm production in Africa (Output 4).
For further information, please write to Christian Häberli (Christian.Haeberli@wti.org) or Bogdan Kostetsky (bogdan.kostetsky@gmail.com).
Further info
More about the MATS programme