28 Sep 2012    Reports/ Presentations
Burri, Mira

Contemplating a Public Service Navigator

Contemplating a Public Service Navigator

A paper presentation as a part of the international conference 'Exposure Diversity and Public Service Media', co-organised by the NCCR Trade and the Institute for Information Law (IViR), Amsterdam.

The paper asks whether in a transformed information and communication environment, it would not be apt for the new Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) (regardless of its precise organizational form and design) to assume the role of a ‘public service navigator’? We clarify how such a project may look like against the practical reality of searching, finding and consuming content, which links this tool to the objective of exposure diversity. We also weigh the pros and cons of such an intervention with regard to efficacy, contribution to the core PSB objectives, costs and possible unintended consequences. Overall, we seek a contribution to the ongoing debates on transforming PSB in the digital age, taking a less travelled and somewhat narrower path of change, which is admittedly also less likely to be followed in the short- to mid-term. 

Burri's slides