Dr, PD Mira Burri

Leader Work Package 3 Innovation and Creativity
University of Lucerne
Digital Trade
Law and Technology
Trade and Culture / Cultural Diversity
Global Governance
Mira Burri is a senior lecturer and managing director internationalization at the University of Lucerne. She is also the principal investigator of a research project on Big Data and trade agreements financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (NRP75). Mira convenes and teaches courses on international law of contemporary media, international intellectual property law, digital copyright and internet law.
She has published widely on digital media, digital trade and broader global governance issues in a number of peer-reviewed outlets, such as the Georgetown Journal of International Law, the Journal of International Economic Law, the Common Market Law Review, and the UC Davies Law Review. Mira is the author of the publications The Classification of Services in the Digital Economy (Springer 2012) and Public Service Broadcasting 3.0: Legal Design for the Digital Present (Routledge 2015). She has co-edited a number of books, amongst others: Trade Governance in the Digital Age (Cambridge University Press 2012) and The Institutions of Global Internet Governance (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Mira is a member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Cultural Property and Arts and International Affairs. Mira has consulted for the European Parliament and UNESCO on cultural diversity and digital trade matters. She consults also on trade and innovation issues, in particular with regard to digital trade. She is a founding member of the Harvard-based Network of Centers for Internet and Society.
Further info
ssrn author page
publications list
link to NCCR phase 1 publications
int'l law of contemporary media: schedule of sessions 2015
session 1 slides 2015
session 2 slides 2015
session 3 slides 2015
session 4 slides 2015
session 5 slides 2015
session 10 slides 2015