Insights on Sustainable Agricultural Trade
Wrapping Up 3.5 Years of the MATS Project
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Wrapping Up 3.5 Years of the MATS Project
Congratulations are in order!
Christian Häberli, WTI Research Fellow, is appointed chair of the USMCA panel in Mexico – GE Corn.
What's the role of international trade to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Today we deep dive into course 4 of the WTI's 2023 Summer Academy. Interested? Apply to secure your spot!
On 16 February 2023, WTI's Director of Studies, taught "Balancing Trade with Non-Trade Concerns" at the International Trade Institute.
We publish today the latest report of the European Union's Horizon 2020 MATS programme project: "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”
With the title "Bauern in der Ukraine brauchen Zuversicht, um für Afrika zu produzieren" (Farmers in Ukraine need confidence to produce for Africa) the WTI contributes to the University of Bern magazine, UniFokus issue: "What will we eat tomorrow?"
We publish today the latest outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”.
The report of the third outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine-Africa" is published today
Three days of interesting debates between academics, policy-makers, agricultural production and trade specialists, from 6 to 8 September 2022 in Tashkent.
Swiss national television (SRF) interviews WTI's Fellow and Lecturer, Dr. Christian Häberli.
Report of the second outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa". It provides a deeper overview on wheat imports to Egypt and highlights share of Ukrainian origin; one more short presentation covers Crude oil and wheat/corn price dynamics in 2022 with comments on main influencing …
Today, at the World Trade Institute, we launch the project “Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”. We want to contribute to the resumption of agricultural trade interrupted because of the war on Ukraine.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) is recruiting a Ukrainian agrifood trade expert to provide consultancy services under the programme Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable (MATS).
WTO Delegates presently work on a proposal to discipline Food Export Restrictions for a Decision at the Twelfth Ministerial Conference starting on 30 November 2021 in Geneva.
The theme of the Opening Ceremony was "The ACTRADE Initiative and the Promotion of Inter-African Trade" .
Marianna Henud Cresci, MILE 20 alumna from Brazil, is this year's winner of the Thomas Cottier Award for Best Thesis. This award is presented annually to one WTI student for the best thesis submitted and was set up to honour the WTI's founder and former Managing Director Prof. Emeritus Thomas …
After an intense academic year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-21 MILE and TRAIL+ students were officially bid farewell at a COVID-19 conform Closing Ceremony at the Silva Casa Auditorium of the WTI. After the Ceremony, the students who were in Bern and some WTI staff members gathered to …
For the first time, the European Union has used a bilateral trade agreement to ensure its market access rights. After Covid restrictions preventing expediency and public hearings for almost a year, an Arbitration Panel has now recognised the right of Ukraine to regulate the management of its forest sector sustainably, …
The successor agreement to NAFTA entered into force on 1 July 2020, with the same three parties. The new acronym is USMCA (Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada). WTI Fellow Christian Häberli is one of 30 people who will act as panelists in …
National policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis have included cooperation replaced by competition, including export restrictions, efforts to re-localize global supply chains, and efforts to regulate the overseas production of MNEs. This workshop will examine issues and challenges raised by recent experience.
WTI fellow Christian Häberli gave an interview on Roberto Azevêdo's resignation as Director General of the WTO for "Trend", a programme produced by Swiss Radio channel DRS4. The interview, alongside a report on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on shared economy facilities like "Mobility", was aired last Saturday, 16 …
Despite the problems it is currently up against, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is still working and serves an important function, according to WTI Fellow Christian Häberli.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) has maintained excellent relations with the Trade Policy Centre in Africa (www.trapca.org) for the past ten years, thanks to a cooperation agreement dated January 2009.
The WTI organised an alumni panel at the WTO Public Forum on 9 October 2019. Alumni from different intakes participated in the discussion. The theme was ‘Tomorrow’s Trading World – Thinking Ahead for the Future Generations’.
As in previous years the annual get-together of World Trade Institute alumni will take place in Geneva during the week of the WTO Public Forum.
On 2 October WTI faculty member Christian Häberli delivered a Masterclass Guest Lecture to the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), entitled ‘GB Agriculture: Climate-smart AND WTO-compatible?’.
Visit the Winter and Summer Academy page on our website to see the 2020 course lists. These week-long classes can be taken à la carte or with the aim of obtaining a certificate or diploma.
The 2019 Summer Symposium of the International Agricultural Research Consortium (IATRC) brought together almost 50 scholars from all continents, including EU and US officials. WTI Fellow Christian Häberli was invited as a keynote speaker to the final plenary session.
The 23-25 June 2019 symposia "Trading for good - Agricultural trade in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation: synergies, obstacles and possible solutions” will feature a keynote speech by Dr. Christian Häberli
WTI Fellow Christian Häberli attended a two-day inter-agency workshop in Doha (18-19 April 2018) to share knowledge and experiences on food security and sustainability in Qatar, which is subject to a trade boycott by its Gulf neighbours.
With the experience and insights that only a panellist in 20 stages of five WTO dispute settlement cases can have, WTI Fellow Christian Häberli gave a Brown Bag lunch seminar at the WTI on 15 February on the topic: WTO Dispute Settlement: How Does it Really Work?
WTI Fellows Sufian Jusoh and Christian Häberli participated in the ASEAN Economic Integration Forum 2017 (AEIF 2017) held in Bangkok on 14 and 15 September and co-organised by the World Trade Institute.
The WTI SECO programme provided funding for two short seminars for Colombian producers-exporters, industry representatives and government officials, which were held in Cali (22-24 March) and Bogotá (27-29 March) with the support of government export agency PROCOLOMBIA.
The WTI - through its trainers Dr Koen Berden and Dr Christian Häberli – gave a three-day course in Nepal on 'Trade Negotiations with a focus on Multilateral, Regional and Bilateral Trade Negotiations' on 6-8 February.
WTI Fellow Christian Häberli submitted written replies to the Brexit Inquiry at the House of Lords, the upper house of the British parliament, at the beginning of February.
Deputy Managing Director of the WTI Prof Manfred Elsig recently returned from Vietnam where he paid a visit to the Foreign Trade University (FTU) in Hanoi, one of the WTI’s partners in the SECO academic cooperation project and taught a four-day course on Global Political Economy.
Just a few weeks before the Climate Summit (COP21, Paris) and the Tenth WTO Ministerial Meeting in Nairobi, a guest lecture by WTI Senior Researcher Christian Häberli at Warwick University (UK) was welcomed by participants as most timely and to the point.
WTI senior researcher Christian Häberli presented his NCCR Trade research on the shortcomings of the present trade and investment regulatory framework at a joint seminar at the School of Law and Business of the University of Addis Ababa this week.
WTI researchers on the Employment Project of the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d) are conducting a four-day site visit to Ethiopia that includes a workshop and roundtable discussion at Addis Ababa University.
Food Security is the main theme of the World Expo 2015 taking place in Milan until the end of this month. WTI and Milan's Bocconi University picked up the theme at a second joint event they staged in the city on 7 October.
For the first time, the WTI has held a policy discussion with the international team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) as part of a SECO-sponsored academic cooperation project in Vietnam.
The Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy run by the WTI and the Centre for WTO Studies (CWS) of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) is taking place for the second time in Delhi. The four-week course at the IIFT runs from 25 May until 19 June …
Around the world the resources for agricultural production – soil, water, biodiversity - are under pressure as the population increases and climate change affects the poorest countries where a high percentage of income is spent on food. Poverty and increasing food prices are leading drivers of food insecurity.
WTI senior researcher Christian Häberli was invited to present his views at the annual Food Security conference at Chatham House in London on 1-2 December.
How can the world feed its population – expected to grow to over eight billion over the next 20 years – when one person in eight is already experiencing hunger? The Academia Engelberg Dialogue on Science from 15 to 17 October discussed approaches to resolve this problem.
Arthur Appleton and Christian Häberli, World Trade Institute faculty members, have delivered WTI’s second course in Brasilia - a Tailor-Made Training Course on the WTO SPS and TBT Agreements with Special Attention to the Implications for Brazil’s Trade in Agricultural Goods. Under a new agreement with the Brazilian authorities a …
The WTI’s doctoral students proved they had more than one string to their bow when they gave a concert at the retirement home in Zollikofen, near Bern, in the middle of July.
Dr. Sofia Boza of the University of Chile has returned to the WTI where she spent several months in 2013 finding out more about the legal aspects of agriculture policy and trade issues as a researcher in the SECO-WTI academic partnership programme. Her current focus is on how WTO food …
Under a programme financed by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy (MONE) of Palestine, the World Trade Institute (WTI) has just completed the first part of a comprehensive training course in Ramallah.
Agriculture and food security issues threatened to stymie progress in drafting multilateral trade rules at the Ninth World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Bali last December. Agreement on a package of measures was only reached after the clock had been stopped.
World Trade Institute (WTI) faculty members have been paying regular visits to Hanoi under an academic cooperation project with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
The government of Samara Region, in Russia’s industrial heartland, has developed an action plan for change in the wake of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2012.
Christian Häberli and Arthur Appleton, faculty members at the World Trade Institute, have delivered WTI’s first programme in Brazil, a “Training Course on Dispute Settlement for State Attorneys in Brazil”.
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, visited the WTI on 11 April 2013 to hold a stakeholder workshop with researchers from the Institute, as well as from the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE).
From 15-17 April 2013, Christian Häberli, Senior Research Fellow NCCR Trade Regulation at the WTI and Sufian Jusoh, WTI Lead Consultant in Malaysia, conducted a workshop on trade negotiation techniques for 24 private and government participants who were pursuing a course on intellectual property valuation at the Malaysian Intellectual Property …
Dr Sofia Boza, Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Chile and a visiting fellow at the WTI, sheds light on her goals as an academic and as a researcher involved in the SECO / WTI Academic Cooperation Project.
The World Trade Institute is a partner and sponsor of the Gujarat International Moot Court Competition (GIMC) of the Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) as in previous years. The Annual Competition took place on the new GNLU campus in Gandhinagar from 6–10 February 2012.
The Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) New Delhi and the World Trade Institute jointly organised a Round Table on “WTO in crisis – and what about India?” on 6 February 2013 at the premises of the IIFT in New Delhi.
A discussion in the press on how to distribute payments to Swiss farmers in the future.
Researchers of the Work Packages 1, 2 and 4 presented their papers at this year's SIEL Conference in Singapore.
Panellists emphasized the difficult issue of rich countries’ export subsidies on agricultural goods. The discussion followed a special screening of the film “Hunger in a World of Plenty”, which examines the factors and instruments which influence world food security. A video podcast is now available (in German).
Christian Häberli from the World Trade Institute and NCCR Trade Regulation has been involved in fifteen WTO dispute settlement cases as a panelist. At the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) in Japan, he provided an insider’s view of the stages that a settlement process usually passes through.
The first of a series of training workshops for agricultural trade officials and other stakeholders in the agri-food chain from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay was held at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, from 30 May to 3 June 2011.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock of the Republic of Argentina to cooperate on a range of academic activities on agribusiness and trade.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) continues its support of the Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) International Moot Court Competition (GIMC) as a partner and sponsor. This 3rd Annual Competition took place in Gandhinagar from 9–13 February 2011.
Christian Häberli is involved in an eDiscussion, which is based on the World Bank Report "Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it yield sustainable and equitable benefits?" The eDiscussion will take place from 13 September to 8 October and is jointly hosted by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development …
Christian Häberli (WTI/NCCR Trade Regulation) participated in the moot WTO Panel and presented the WTI programmes.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) supported the Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) International Moot Court Competition (GIMC) as a partner and sponsor. This 2nd Annual Competition took place in Gujarat from 3 – 7 February 2010.
Showing 69 records.