

WTI research publications

Books, book chapters, working papers, journal articles by WTI research staff. 
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Publications Database

1336 records

10 Sep 2024


Die Schweiz geht mit Indien eine Wette ein

Das neue Abkommen der Efta mit Indien ist ein Bruch mit traditionellen Handelsverträgen. Mondflug, Aufstieg zum bevölkerungsreichsten Land der Welt, exzellente Wachstumsprognosen: Die Rede ist von Indien, das eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle auf …

10 Sep 2024

Panizzon, Marion

2 Sep 2024

Working Papers

The Uncertain Future of WTO Dispute Settlement: An Appraisal of the February 2024 Consolidated Text Resulting from the Molina Process on Dispute Settlement Reform

The paper focuses, in particular, on the proposed changes regarding alternative dispute resolution and arbitration, panel proceedings, compliance, guidelines for adjudicators, procedures to discuss legal interpretations, Secretariat support, transparency, accessibility, technical assistance, capacity …

7 May 2024


Simplifying International Trade with Single Windows

Article by Craig Atkinson, WTI Non-Resident Fellow and Research Affiliate at Singapore Management University Centre for AI and Data Governance/Centre for Computational Law, published on May 1, 2024 by the Forum for International …

7 May 2024

Atkinson, Craig

5 Dec 2023


Unpacking the Digital Transformation of Trade

Article by Craig Atkinson, WTI Non-Resident Fellow and Research Affiliate at Singapore Management University Centre for AI and Data Governance/Centre for Computational Law, published on November 29, 2023 by the Forum for International …

5 Dec 2023

Atkinson, Craig

30 Jun 2023

Books/ Book Chapters

Women’s Empowerment and Its Limits

Edited by WTI's Professor Elisa Fornalé, this book integrates interdisciplinary insights from across Sociology, Gender Studies, Law, Politics and Economics. It provides unique insights on gender in the context of climate change and …

30 Jun 2023

Fornalé, Elisa

13 Sep 2022

Books/ Book Chapters

Gender Equality in the Mirror

Reflecting on Power, Participation and Global Justice. This book is edited by Elisa Fornalé. Ph.D, SNSF Professor and Gender Coordinator at the World Trade Institute, University of Bern.

13 Sep 2022

Fornalé, Elisa

21 Jul 2022

Books/ Book Chapters

International Arbitration in Times of Economic Nationalism

International Arbitration in Times of Economic Nationalism is a well-timed book that reviews situations that may impact the way arbitration—in both commercial and investment disputes—is practiced. In recent years, numerous developments across the …

21 Jul 2022

Polanco, Rodrigo

24 Jan 2022

Books/ Book Chapters

Trade and Environmental Law

Edited book by (eds.) Panagiotis Delimatsis and Leonie Reins, published by Edward Elgar Publishing as part of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series, Vol. XI (2021).

24 Jan 2022

3 Mar 2021

Journal Articles

Common Concern of Humankind

Chapter in British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Rising Sea Levels: Promoting Climate Justice through International Law (3 March 2021)

4 Aug 2020

Books/ Book Chapters

Labor Market Regulations

Book chapter by Damian Raess and Dora Sari in A. Mattoo, N. Rocha and M. Ruta (Eds.), Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements, published by the World Bank (2020), pp. 583-606

4 Aug 2020

Raess, Damian

28 Apr 2020

Books/ Book Chapters

Tax Treaty Arbitration - Chile

Chapter by Rodrigo Polanco, Felipe Yáñez and Cristóbal Pérez in Michael Lang, Jeffrey Owens, Pasquale Pistone, Alexander Rust, Josef Schuch, Claus Staringer and Alfred Storck (eds.), Tax Treaty Arbitration, published by IBFD (2020), …

28 Apr 2020

Polanco, Rodrigo

20 Jun 2019

Journal Articles

Please Make Avocados Sustainable Again!

An article by Christian Häberli published in International Affairs Forum: Food, Water and Security (44-47) June 2019. This IAF journal is a publication of the Center for International Relations, Washington D.C.

20 Jun 2019

Häberli, Christian

20 Jul 2018

Journal Articles

Mehr Frieden dank WTO

Article by Christian Häberli included in the Swiss Peace Supporter, 2018 (2), page 29, published by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Armed Forces.

20 Jul 2018

Häberli, Christian

30 Jan 2018

Working Papers

Gender Equality and Trade Policy

SECO Working Paper 24/2017 by Alicia Frohmann ABSTRACT: International trade interacts with gender equality in different ways. Its impact is not neutral. The different impacts of international trade upon them are conditioned by …

30 Jan 2018

Frohmann, Alicia

20 Dec 2017

Books/ Book Chapters

The WTO Agreements on Agriculture (AoA)

Contribution by Christian Häberli to the Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law 2017 edited by Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer pp. 468-470. Text available from the author.

20 Dec 2017

Häberli, Christian

20 Dec 2017

Books/ Book Chapters

Enabling Clause

Contribution by Christian Häberli to the Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law 2017 edited by Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer pp.177-179. Text available from the author.

20 Dec 2017

Häberli, Christian

19 Dec 2017

Working Papers

Labour Standard Enforcement through Economic Treaties

r4d Working Paper by Christian Häberli ABSTRACT: Recent economic treaties contain references to labour standards with increasing specificity and stringent enforcement mechanisms. However, despite evidence for continuing massive violations of workers’ rights, forced …

19 Dec 2017

Häberli, Christian

19 Dec 2017

Working Papers

Corporate Governance, is it Worthy?

SECO Working Paper 19/2017 by Lilian Rocca ABSTRACT: Since the late 90s, a lot has been written and said regarding Corporate Governance. Things have changed, international crises have occurred, new developments in the …

19 Dec 2017

Rocca, Lilian

23 Nov 2017

Reports/ Presentations

Der Strukturwandel der Handelspolitik

Presentation by Thomas Cottier at a conference on the Switzerland/EU institutional framework agreement held in Bern on 23 November 2017 and organised by Joelle de Sépibus and Rosa Losada.

23 Nov 2017

Cottier, Thomas

8 Nov 2017

Books/ Book Chapters

Chile Report

The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Taxation Michael Lang, Jeffrey Owens, Pasquale Pistone, Alexander Rust, Josef Schuch and Claus Staringer, eds Vienna University of Economics and Business, IBFD co-authored with Felipe Yáñez …

8 Nov 2017

Polanco, Rodrigo

27 Oct 2017

Reports/ Presentations

Die Welthandelsordnung im Umbruch

Presentation by Thomas Cottier at the conference 'Handelspolitik 2020 - Grundlagen, Auswirkungen und Szenarien' on upheaval in the world trading system at the Stiftung Lilienberg, Switzerland.

27 Oct 2017

Cottier, Thomas

3 Oct 2017


Trade Defense Instruments: The Leading Edge of U.S. Trade Policy

Chapter Prepared for the Written Volume of Presentations Made at the Conference on Trade Defense Instruments, Brussels, 30-31 March 2017, co-organised by Marc Bungenberg, Christoph Herrmann; Michael Hahn and Till Müller-Ibold. Authors: Bruce …

3 Oct 2017

31 Jul 2017

Working Papers

Employment Effects of CSO Laws in Ethiopia

r4d Working Paper 2017/07 by Daniel Behailu, Shiferaw Kebede and Tadele Ferede ABSTRACT: It is contended that civil society organizations (CSOs) are crucial for good governance. It can contribute towards enabling accountable government …

31 Jul 2017

3 Apr 2017

Working Papers

Employment effects of bargaining council decisions

r4d Working Paper 2017/04 by Wayde Thomas Flowerday. Neil Rankin and Volker Schöer ABSTRACT: South Africa has a unique collective bargaining structure; one whereby wages are mostly set at a sectoral level. One …

3 Apr 2017

30 Dec 2016

Books/ Book Chapters

Emissions Trading and WTO Law

Book chapter in Research Handbook on Emissions Trading ABSTRACT: The Research Handbook on Emissions Trading examines the origins, implementation challenges and international dimensions of emissions trading. It pursues an interdisciplinary approach drawing upon …

30 Dec 2016

Holzer, Kateryna

11 Oct 2016

Books/ Book Chapters

Research Handbook on Trade in Services

Edited by Pierre Sauvé, Director of Program Development and Faculty Member, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland and Martin Roy, Counsellor, Trade in Services and Investment Division, World Trade Organization, Switzerland

11 Oct 2016

Sauvé, Pierre

31 Aug 2016

Journal Articles

Trade Costs, Quality, and The Skill Premium

Journal article in Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 49, Issue 3: 1153–1178 ABSTRACT: We develop a monopolistic competition model with nonhomothetic factor input bundles where increasing quality requires increasing use of skilled workers. …

1 Aug 2016

Working Papers

South African Labour Law: A Twenty-Year Assessment

r4d Working Paper 2016/06 by Paul Benjamin, assisted by Carole Cooper ABSTRACT: Labour law is the product of the balance of political and economic forces in a society. The election of South Africa’s …

1 Aug 2016

13 May 2016

Working Papers

WTO law issues of emissions trading

NCCR Working Paper 2016/1 by Kateryna Holzer: Based on existing research in the interface of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) and WTO law, the paper looks more closely at the design elements of an …

13 May 2016

Holzer, Kateryna

20 Apr 2016

Working Papers

Relative Economic Performance and Individual Trade Preferences

NCCR Working Paper 2016/3 by Quynh Nguyen, ETH Zurich: Abstract Pocketbook concerns or sociotropic considerations? This question regarding the type of economic information that has the most influence on individuals’ trade preferences has …

20 Apr 2016

6 Apr 2016

Books/ Book Chapters

Regional Migration Governance

In Tanja A. Börzel/Thomas Risse (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press), chapter 20. By Sandra Lavenex, Flavia Jurje, Terri E. Givens, and Ross Buchanan

6 Apr 2016

29 Mar 2016

Books/ Book Chapters

International Investment Law in Latin America

Book co-written and co-edited by Rodrigo Polanco: With the bilingual volume International Investment Law in Latin America: Problems and Prospects, Attila Tanzi, Alessandra Asteriti, Rodrigo Polanco Lazo and Paolo Turrini provide a regional …

29 Mar 2016

Polanco, Rodrigo

5 Jan 2016

Books/ Book Chapters

Ernährungssicherheit in der Schweiz (pp.145-175)

A chapter by Christian Häberli on food security in Switzerland, published in: Tagungsband der 4. Luzerner Agrarrechtstage 2014 „Landwirtschaft und Verfassungsrecht Initiativen, Zielbestimmungen, rechtlicher Gehalt”, pages 145-175. ISBN 978-3-03751-752-9 © Dike Verlag AG, …

5 Jan 2016

Häberli, Christian

22 Dec 2015

Books/ Book Chapters

Export Restrictions on Critical Minerals and Metals

Conventional wisdom on the insufficiency of existing WTO disciplines on export restrictions has triggered momentum on the issue. In this book, Ilaria Espa offers a comprehensive analysis of the scope and coverage of …

22 Dec 2015

Espa, Ilaria

1 Dec 2015

Working Papers

Technology/Innovation history of post-apartheid South Africa

r4d Working Paper 2015/12 by Wayde Flowerday ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on technological upgrading within South Africa. This paper will pay particular attention to policies that …

1 Dec 2015

30 Apr 2015

Working Papers

South Africa Country Report

r4d Working Paper 2015/4 by Lawrence Edwards, Wayde Flowerday, Neil Rankin, Gareth Roberts and Volker Schöer ABSTRACT: The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the economic developments and trends …

30 Apr 2015

13 Feb 2015

Journal Articles

Subsidies, Clean Energy and Climate Change

A new E15 Think Piece by Ilaria Espa and Sonia Rolland produced under the E15Initiative (E15). Implemented jointly by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and the World Economic Forum, …

13 Feb 2015

Espa, Ilaria

1 Sep 2014

Working Papers

Chemical Invention as Such

The patentability of chemical invention has been the subject of much debate through out the industrial revolution. Today, new or developing technologies with great promise in the bioeconomy age, in particular synthetic biology, …

1 Sep 2014

Jost, Dannie

1 Jun 2014

Books/ Book Chapters

Globale Internet Governance – wie weiter?

Das Internet prägt jede Facette des modernen gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Was als US-Militär-Experiment begann, verwandelte sich über die Jahre in eine Basistechnologie. Und obwohl man webutopischen Ideen mit Skepsis begegnen sollte, hat das Internet …

1 Jun 2014

Burri, Mira

28 Apr 2014

Reports/ Presentations

The GATS Mode 4—Labor Migration Nexus?

Introductory note on GATS Mode IV (Labor Mobility) and and the possibilities for fostering the nexus of migration, human rigths, trade and investment for more development This presentation was held during a workshop …

28 Apr 2014

Panizzon, Marion

28 Apr 2014

Reports/ Presentations

Swiss Migration Partnerships

Workshop "Fostering the nexus of migration, human rights, trade and investment for development" Introductory note on Swiss Migrations Partnerships and the possibilities for fostering the nexus of migration, human rights, trade and investment …

28 Apr 2014

Losada, Rosa Maria

28 Apr 2014

Working Papers

Concept note

Workshop on “Fostering the nexus of migration, human rights, trade and investment for development”

28 Apr 2014

18 Feb 2014

Books/ Book Chapters


Journal article by Thomas Cottier, ... , ...

18 Feb 2014

7 Jan 2014

Reports/ Presentations

Product Liability of Nanomaterials in International Trade

Powerpoint presentations from a workshop organised in the context of the research agenda phase III (2013 – 2017) of NCCR Trade Regulation, cluster 3.2 “Governing new technologies”.

7 Jan 2014

6 Dec 2013

Reports/ Presentations

The WTO as a Global Internet Governance Actor

Presentation by Mira Burri at the SNIS biennial conference 'The Institutionalization of Global Internet Governance: Multilaterism, Multistakeholderism and Beyond, World Trade Institute, Bern, 6-7 December 2013

6 Dec 2013

Burri, Mira

3 Sep 2013

Reports/ Presentations

New Digital Trade Rules

A presentation by Mira Burri as a contribution to the e15 initiative on trade and innovation.

3 Sep 2013

Burri, Mira

23 May 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Internet Governance and Freedom of Expression

A presentation at the conference 'ICT, Law, and Innovation: Recent Developments, Challenges, and Lessons Learned', organized by the Bilgi University and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society; 23 May 2013 - 24 …

23 May 2013

15 May 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Digital Trade

A panel as part of the 13th Annual WTO Conference, organized by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law; 15 May 2013 - 16 May 2013, BMA House, London

15 May 2013

Burri, Mira

11 Apr 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Food security, trade and climate change

Baris Karapinar gave a presentation at the Stakeholder Workshop with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter: "The Right to Food: Need for Action in (Swiss) Policy and …

11 Apr 2013

Karapinar, Baris

10 Apr 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Challenges in EU-China trade relations

COFIT Fellow Rafael Leal-Arcas was invited to speak on “Challenges in EU-China trade relations,” at the high-level conference on China-EU Economic Partnership: Making the best of interdependence, the Institut Francais des relations internationales, …

10 Apr 2013

Leal-Arcas, Rafael

10 Apr 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Challenges in EU-China trade relations

Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas gave a presentation at the China-EU Economic Partnership: Making the best of interdependence, High-level conference of the Institut Francais des Relations Internationales in Paris.

10 Apr 2013

1 Apr 2013

Books/ Book Chapters

God, the WTO – and hunger

Book chapter by Christian Häberli in Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (ed.), Poverty and the International Economic Legal System, Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.79-106.

1 Apr 2013

Häberli, Christian

7 Mar 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Innovation and Development in the Age of Climate Change Adaptation

Dannie Jost presented at the Second African International Economic Law Network Conference a paper that addressed the question of open innovation in the face of climate change adaptation, highlighting arguments stressing the need …

7 Mar 2013

30 Jan 2013

Reports/ Presentations

Legal Options for Adjusting Emissions Costs among Countries

Kateryna Holzer gave a presentation on th etopic of "Legal Options for Adjusting Emissions Costs among Countries" at the Research Factory of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University …

30 Jan 2013

29 Nov 2012

Reports/ Presentations

Grab the land for more food security

Presentation by Christian Häberli at the The Fourth International APEDIA Conference on Sustainable Land Use in Africa held in Hawassa (Ethiopia) on 28-30 November 2012.

29 Nov 2012

Häberli, Christian

28 Nov 2012

Reports/ Presentations

EU-PRC Trade Relations and Difficulties

Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas was invited as a panellist and made a presentation on the topic of "EU-PRC Trade Relations and Difficulties" at the 29th Taiwan-European Conference "New Security for the New Era: EU, …

28 Nov 2012

Leal-Arcas, Rafael

6 Nov 2012

Books/ Book Chapters

The WTO and Food Security: What’s Wrong with the Rules?

Article by Christian Häberli in The Challenge Of Food Security. International Policy and Regulatory Frameworks, (eds.) Rosemary Rayfuse and Nicole Weisfelt , Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012.

6 Nov 2012

2 Nov 2012

Reports/ Presentations

Digital Technologies and Cultural Heritage

An invited presentation at the conference 'Access and Use Rights for Digital Historical Sources' (Zugangs- und Nutzungsrechte für historische Quellen im Web / Accessibilité et droits d’utilisation des ressources historiques sur le web).

2 Nov 2012

Burri, Mira

28 Sep 2012

Reports/ Presentations

Contemplating a Public Service Navigator

A paper presentation as a part of the international conference 'Exposure Diversity and Public Service Media', co-organised by the NCCR Trade and the Institute for Information Law (IViR), Amsterdam.

28 Sep 2012

Burri, Mira

28 Sep 2012

Books/ Book Chapters

International Migration

Book chapter by Sandra Lavenex and Gallya Lahav, in W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse and B. Simmons (Eds.), Handbook of International Relations, 2nd edition, London et al., 2012, pp.746-774.

28 Sep 2012

Lavenex, Sandra

17 Sep 2012

Reports/ Presentations

Agriculture and SPS

Baris Karapinar gave a lecture at the 2012 WTO Regional Trade Policy Course for CEECAC countries, held in Istanbul.

17 Sep 2012

Karapinar, Baris

9 Sep 2012

Books/ Book Chapters

Trade Governance in the Digital Age

The World Trade Forum series features a new contribution on global trade governance under the conditions of ubiquitous digital media. Edited by Mira Burri and Thomas Cottier, the book has been published with …

24 May 2012

Reports/ Presentations

The development of current BIT practice

Roberto Echandi participates in the Conference "Towards better BITs - how to reform the currently used bilateral investment treaty models in view of recurring criticism?", at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

24 May 2012

Echandi, Roberto

16 May 2012

Reports/ Presentations

International climate negotiations

Dr. Joëlle de Sépibus particpates in three workshops at the "International Climate Negotiations", organized by the UNFCCC Secretariat from 16th to 19th of May 2012.

16 May 2012

21 Apr 2012

Journal Articles

Climate Migrants: Legal Options

Authored by Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas. In "Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012, 37, 86-96".

21 Apr 2012

20 Mar 2012

Reports/ Presentations

Right to Food and Right to Water: Même défi ?

Presentation by Christian Häberli at the W4W 2nd Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Water, Vital Need and Global Justice (2e Colloque Interdisciplinaire "Eau, besoin vital et Justice Globale"), Geneva, 20 March 2012.

20 Mar 2012

Häberli, Christian

16 Dec 2011

Reports/ Presentations

R2P and Common Concern

Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren-Schefer hold a presentation at the Tagung "Die Schutzenverantwortung - Responsibility to Protect: Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklung des Internationalen Rechts?", organized by the University of Innsbruck, Austria.

6 Nov 2011

Reports/ Presentations

Biotechnology and Climate Change

Philipp Aerni presents at the "IFPRI International Conference on Climate Change and Food Security", organized by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Bejing, China.

6 Nov 2011

Aerni, Philipp

18 Jul 2011

Reports/ Presentations

Dispute Prevention Policies

Romulo Brillo delivers a one week workshop sponsored by UNCTAD and the EU at the Angolan Trade Ministry in Luanda, Angola.

18 Jul 2011

Brillo, Romulo

12 Jun 2011

Books/ Book Chapters

Der Schutz kommerzieller Kommunikation

book chapter by Matthias Oesch in Kommunikation; Sethe Rolf (Hrsg.); Heinemann Andreas (Hrsg.); Hilty Reto M. (Hrsg.); Nobel Peter (Hrsg.); Zäch Roger (Hrsg.) Festschrift für Rolf H. Weber zum 60. Geburtstag

12 Jun 2011

Oesch, Matthias

12 Apr 2011

Journal Articles

Trade Law and Responsible Investment

Bürgi Bonanomi Elisabeth, Trade Law and Responsible Investment in: ILC, Oxfam, Somo, WTI, International Instruments Influencing the Rights of People facing Investment in Agricultural Lands, 2011, pp. 68-88

20 Jan 2011

Reports/ Presentations

Book Review: Legal Principles in WTO Disputes

A review by Marion Panizzon of Legal Principles in WTO Disputes by Andrew D. Mitchell (Cambridge University Press 2008, pages 308), published in the American Journal of International Law, Vol. 105, No. 1 …

20 Jan 2011

Panizzon, Marion

18 Jan 2011

Books/ Book Chapters


18 Jan 2011

15 Jan 2011

Books/ Book Chapters

Forschung verändert Schule

Neue Erkenntnisse aus den empirischen Wissenschaften für Didaktik, Erziehung und Politik / Philipp Aerni und Fritz Oser (Hrsg.)

15 Jan 2011

Aerni, Philipp

12 Oct 2010

Journal Articles

Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace

Increasing state imposed barriers im cyberspace - an article published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on the state intervention and the global spillovers of local actions and decisions taken in cyberspace, as one …

12 Oct 2010

Burri, Mira

17 Sep 2010

Books/ Book Chapters

The role of the G20 in WTO governance

Report by Professor Sungjoon Cho, Associate Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law (Chair), and Charlotte Sieber-Gasser, Doctoral Research Fellow, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Session 27, WTO Public Forum 2010: The …

14 Jun 2010

Reports/ Presentations

Services PTAs: Lessons from Practice

Presentation given by Pierre Sauvé at the international conference on the political economy of liberalising trade in services at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem

14 Jun 2010

Sauvé, Pierre

27 May 2010

Reports/ Presentations

WTO constraints of carbon-related border adjustments

Presentation at the seminar 'Climate change and trade: an agenda for Cancun', organised by the Tyndall Centre and the Dept. of Economics of the University of Sussex, University of Sussex, 27th of May.

27 May 2010

18 May 2010

Reports/ Presentations

Legal Aspects of Investment in Agriculture

This presentation was part of the NCCR North-South Forum on transnational land acquisitions and rural development at ETH Zurich on 18 May 2010. It was designed as a follow-up of the symposium "Large-scale …

18 May 2010

11 May 2010

Reports/ Presentations

After COP 15: Where Do We Go From Here?

Thomas Cottier is invited to make the opening speech at the "Conference on Climate Change, Environmental Protection and IP Rights", organized by Aarhus University, Sønderborg, Denmark.

11 May 2010

Cottier, Thomas

5 May 2010

Working Papers

The WTO beyond Doha: thinking ahead

Paper based on a presentation by Pierre Sauvé at the ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy in Paris, 5 May 2010.

5 May 2010

27 Apr 2010

Books/ Book Chapters

Food Crises and the WTO

This book investigates the relevance of the WTO’s Doha ‘Development’ Round at times when the food and financial crises are hitting developing countries. Bringing together leading experts in economic development, trade and law …

27 Apr 2010

4 Mar 2010

Working Papers

Government Procurement of Services: Whither Market Access?

Estimates of government procurement of goods and services range from 10-20% of GDPs of national economies. Given that governments source at least some of these services from abroad, such procurement has significant market …

4 Mar 2010

5 Feb 2010

Reports/ Presentations

Access to fresh water and international trade law

Access to Fresh Water and the WTO – Coping with the consequences of climate change, population increase, agricultural and industrial development; how to efficiently organize trade in (‘fresh’ and ‘virtual’) water and the …

5 Feb 2010

2 Jan 2010

Journal Articles

Trade and culture in international law: Paths to (re)conciliation

The UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity marks a wilful separation between the issues of trade and culture on the international level. The present article explores this intensified institutional, policy- and decision-making disconnect and …

2 Jan 2010

12 Dec 2009

Journal Articles

Humanist Education as a Tool of Empowerment

This article discusses humanist education and its contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of the education system of Florence in Renaissance Italy and its importance in today's education initiatives in successful …

12 Dec 2009

Aerni, Philipp

27 Nov 2009

Reports/ Presentations

On strategic interactions of climate policy and international trade.

Climate change is an international problem in several dimensions. Beside theirrelevance of the spatial origin of emissions for regional climate impacts, abatementpolicies have an international dimension as well. The rise in costs for …

27 Nov 2009

Showing 1336 records.